I finally got a schedule worked out for this summer! If you would like the pdf version to print out (with registration form), please visit my Beez Ink Studio website and click on the link for classes.
Zentangle 101
Learn the basics of Zentangle - a relaxing form of meditation that uses pattern-making to focus your mind. Approx. 2.5 hours. No drawing experience necessary (Really!)
Class= $35 Kit fee= $10
Zentangle for Kids!
Hey kids! What’s Zentangle? Think of it as “artistic doodling”! After learning the basics and some cool patterns, we’ll do some tangled printmaking. Lots of fun - but tell your parents that “Zentangle can improve focus in class and boost test scores” (it’s true!) and they’ll sign you up right away! Parents: this class is for ages 7 + ( we’ll be using Sharpies and stamp pads). Messy fun.
Class= $20 Kit fee= $10
Zentangle - In Depth
Learn new, more complex patterns, shading and how to achieve a 3-D effect. Also try out some techniques for using limited color and alternative tangling materials. Zentangle 101 required. Class= $40 Kit fee= $15
Tangle Share Party
A party for anyone who has taken Zentangle workshops! Bring your tiles, notebooks or other Zentangle art and show it off. Add to the group Tangle, trade patterns, enter the raffle, nibble on yummy munchies!
Workshops are held at The Belfry studio above Wingdoodle, in Warner. The building is #19 on Main Street, in the center of town. For directions to Warner, please email Sandy at beezink@tds.net or call Wingdoodle at 603-456-3515. Please be aware that the studio is on the second floor and there is no elevator available.
Sandy Steen Bartholomew is a Certified Zentangle Teacher, an illustrator, and a mixed-media artist. To learn more, or see examples of her work, visit Beez Ink Studio online at www.BeezInkStudio.com.
If you would like to arrange a Zentangle class for yourself or your organization, please email Sandy at beezink@tds.net. A minimum of 4 people is required.
For a list of certified Zentangle teachers available outside of the NH area, visit www.zentangle.com
Wed. June 24, 10am-12:30pm Zentangle 101 ... $45
Sun. July 19, 1:00-3:30pm Zentangle 101 ... $45
Wed. July 29, 10:30am-1:00pm Zentangle 101 ... $45
Sat. Aug. 8, 10:30am-noon Zentangle for Kids! ... $30
Sat. Aug. 15, 1:00-4:00pm Zentangle In Depth ... $55
Wed. Aug. 19, 5:30-8:00pm Zentangle 101 ... $45
Sun. Aug. 30, 2:30-4:00pm Tangle Share Party ... Free!
Deadline to register is one week before the date of the class. Classes with fewer than 2 people will be cancelled.
To register, please mail this form, with your check payable to Sandra Bartholomew, to:
BEEZ ink Studio
PO Box 359, Warner, NH 03278
September Note: I have no classes scheduled for Sept. because I will be traveling. I will also be turning 40 on 9/15!! It’s an important achievement for me and I’d love to get 40 Tangles to commemorate it.
Bribery: Send me a Tangle in Sept. and I’ll invite you to an Art Party near the end of the month!

i want to take the kids class ;)
ReplyDeleteYes do!
ReplyDeleteJust got my travel kit and the new book. FANTASTIC and loving it--thought I'm a bit overwhelmed with riches of tangles!